ADRE Maths | Assam Direct Recruitment Examination maths Strategy | how to prepare Mathematics for Adre 2023

As the main strategy to crack any examinations lies in the ability to understand the nature and need of the examination and proper analysis of the syllabus, which help to channelize the preparation in the right direction and to score high in the examination. Here are some tips that you can boost your preparation for adre maths part.
Proper analysis of the syllabus of ADRE Math (Assam Direct Recruitment Examination Mathematics part)
As the official syllabus of the ADRE (Assam Direct Recruitment Examination) provided by SLRC is very brief, it has not provided a detailed overview of any topics. So based on the trend of previous year examinations conducted by the State Level Recruitment Commission
(SLRC) the following topics are more important and has to prepare well for adre maths part.
Most important topics of mathematics for adre
- Number System
- Series and Progression
- Simple and Decimal Fractions
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Indices and Surds
- Simplification
- Approximation
- Word Problem Based on Numbers
- Average
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Simple and Compound Interests
- Trigonometry (Basics)
- Time and Work
- Speed, Time and Distance
- Mensuration
- Probability
Apart from these topics the candidates can also prepare some additional topics such as
Additional topics of adre maths :
- Data Interpretation
- Permutations and Combinations
- Pie Charts
- Partnership
- Boat and Streams
- Set Theory
- Quadratic Equations
- Coordinate Geometry
- Statistics
- Pipe and Cisterns
Considering the difficulty level and question pattern of the earlier Assam Direct Recruitment Examinations, the candidate can somehow ignore these additional topics if he has confidence that he can solve any questions from the most important topics. As in case of Competitive Examinations, the ability to attempt all the questions is not the main key to success. Despite the success depends upon various factors as
- The ability to choose which questions have to skip
- Time Management
- Optimal level of confidence
During the preparation for mathematics/ Quantitative Aptitude of adre examinations, the Candidates can follow various sources and means according to their needs and interests. But for most of the candidates the following sources can be proved as the best part of their strategy.
Books for preparation of adre maths (Assam Direct Recruitment
Examination Mathematics Part):
If you find any difficulty to grab the concepts from this book you can also refer to the mathematics books of SCERT Assam from Class VI
to Class X, where the concepts are given in very easy manner and in layman language which is suitable for a new learner.
YouTube Channel for preparation of Mathematics/ Quantitative Aptitude part of adre
(Assam Direct Recruitment Examination):
My suggestion is you have to choose your own teacher who matches your requirement by watching some tutorial video about a particular topic to choose your best maths guide in YouTube. The best way to use YouTube for learning mathematics is to search the topic you are interested at that time and watch a conceptual video and then make your notes and proceeds to practice session. In the next day you can learn the short tricks related to the topic and practice the problems with such tricks. It should be keep in mind that before rush into some tricks and easy methods of solving the mathematical problems in less time the candidates must learn the basic concept of those topics. Thus the candidates must not go into the easy tricks at first if their basic concepts are not clear.
Problems faced by the aspirants during adre math preparation:
As many of the govt. job aspirants consider mathematics as the most difficult part of preparation. The root cause of such stigma is associated with their fear towards the subject and ignorance of the subject
How to overcome the fear of adre maths

The fear for mathematics comes from the difficulty to grab the concept of the mathematical topics since their school days and further the problem aggravated due to procrastination and ignorance. Since mathematics is an integral part of any competitive examinations they have to overcome our fear and try to improve themselves. Here are some tips they can apply to overcome the fear of mathematics and to boost their ability in solving the problems of quantitative aptitude
- The aspirants have to start the preparation from easy topics as number system, simplification etc. and then proceeds slowly toward comparatively difficult topics as simple interests, Compound Interests, Time and Work etc.
- One has to attempt any mock tests after gaining confidence in the relevant topics. If the candidates will attempt any mock tests in very beginning he can lose his confidence.
- One can build confidence by solving some model problems about a certain topic after understanding the basic
- concept of that topic, which will also provide pleasure and will encourage him more to learn mathematics in regular basis.
By following these suggestions and by moderating the strategy according to your interests, you can enhance your arithmetic skills and also boost your performance in the adre maths which will help you to grab a dream job under Assam Government.
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